Fall Open House
Join us for Chesterton Academy's Open House on Thursday, October 17th!
Come tour the campus with student representatives and meet with faculty who will introduce you to our Classical Curriculum in the Catholic Tradition.
Discover what makes Chesterton Academy an amazing school.
Chesterton Academy is an extraordinary place, but there's no substitute for experiencing it yourself. We invite you to come visit us so you can see firsthand how much our classical curriculum, student life, and spiritual formation have to offer. There will be a tour, information, goodies, music, and fun activities to give discerning parents a glimpse of CAA. We look forward to welcoming you!
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Queen of Heaven
Parish Hall
5300 Phoenix Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Call 505.544.4544 for more information